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Top 10 free music sound material download sites: commercial films can also be used!

10 free music sound download sites, and the sound material here is not only free, most of them can also be licensed for free commercial use!
 YouTube Free Music Sound Library
All are free and can be used for commercial purposes. It should be noted that some materials with special notes should be "added to the author's mark" (such as the final list of the film).

Free environmental sound files, such as busy streets, noisy vocals, or drum sounds and background music for soundtracks. Most of the materials are free for commercial use, but the source of the author should be noted.

2. Musopen
The website for downloading sound materials of classical music and musical instruments is completely free, and most of them belong to the public domain. Here you can find works by classical musicians from different periods, or music archives of different instruments. In addition to making soundtracks, you can also use it as a soundtrack.

Sound materials of various movies, music, and musical instruments also include pop music from different periods, or such magical categories as the 70s science fiction sound effects. All music content is licensed for free, can be used for commercial purposes, and does not need to indicate the source.

4. incompetech
The sound material of various popular music, the music to be used in different festival atmospheres, or the sound effects of various movie scenes.

These sound materials can be downloaded for free and used commercially, but they need to be marked with the same source.

5. pacdv
Various environmental sound effects, vocal machine sound

Many free background music and sound effects download, some need to pay, some can directly see the download button, you can download it for free.

7. findsound
This website allows us to search for keywords to find a variety of free music and sound effects.

8. looperman
This is a relatively professional music download site, which provides musicians to upload their own materials, as well as download other people's materials. Most sound effects or background music are free and commercially available, just need to mark the author source.

9. iBeat
Here is an archive of rhythm sound effects. There is a soundtrack that can be used as a variety of background rhythms. His authorization method may be slightly different according to each file. When downloading, you can see each different free license terms, but most of them are available. Free commercial use, to mark the source of the author.

10. audionautix
Finally, this website provides a very simple way to find different context sound effects, which can be used for commercial videos after free download, just by naming the creator's name.


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